what are your other socials?
this ain't even a FAQ lol but you can just click here

are you the Larry that does ____?
i'm not poppins, larray, or croft, i just edit lol

what do you edit with?
premiere pro and after effects 2020

who do you edit for?
currently tommy and fundy

can you tell tommy to-
unless it's actually important, no.

what font does tommy use?
dosis bold.

how do you do subtitles?
it's all done by hand, typing and placement and everything. good subtitles are very tedious so there are currently not many workarounds

how do i get into freelance editing?
i am not the dude to be asking, but networking usually helps.

how much should i charge for my edits?
depends who you're working with, but never any less than minimum wage and NEVER WORK FOR EXPOSURE/FREE

will you edit for me?
probably not. especially not if i can tell it's gonna be a net loss on your end.

how do i learn to edit?
use tutorials and guides online to learn the basics. editing programs are confusing at first, but try not to let that discourage you

can you teach me how to edit?

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